Become an official U of T Student!
As a student, staff or faculty member of University of Toronto you are eligible for a TCard, your official University of Toronto photo ID card.
The TCard has many uses, both around campus and off-campus. Your TCard serves as:
- printing and photocopying card
- library card
- an electronic key card controlling access to RAWC, library and labs
- identification card for exams, voting on campus, student discounts
- fare-free UTM shuttle service card
- for unlimited fare-free rides on MiWay, Mississauga Transit’s bus system (in conjunction with UPass)
- and a debit card which can be used to purchase food at select locations on campus
Click here for any inquires and available locations you can obtain your T-card.
Connecting your UTmail+ on your mobile device and laptop is very helpful so you can regularly check your Inbox for important correspondence from the faculty and professors.
Here are the links to setting up your UTmail+ for your cellular device and/or laptop:
Click here for your cell phone and here for your laptop.