Petition Forms
Policies and procedures are intended to ensure that all students in the Faculty are treated equitably and fairly. However, in some cases there are valid reasons why students should be granted an exception from these policies and procedures. Consideration will be given to the needs of students who are experiencing problems that are beyond their power to foresee or control. Most of these situations concern illness, personal problems, accidents, family difficulties, etc. Appropriate documentation is required for all petitions. Petitions are not always granted.
Students who think they need to petition or who are having problems that are interfering significantly with academic work are advised to seek assistance from a Student Advisor in the Office of the Registrar and Student Services.
Petition Process
Verification of Student Illness or Injury
Petition Results
Petition results are typically available within one to two weeks of petition submission and are mailed to the student. Incomplete petitions and missing documentation can delay the process. During the summer session the Examinations Committee meets on an irregular basis so petition results may take up to one month.
If your petition is denied, and you have new/additional supporting documentation for your case you may appeal within thirty (30) days of the notification date of the petition result. Appeal forms are available in the Undergraduate Program Office on request and should be sent to the KPE Appeals Committee care of the Associate Dean – Undergraduate Education.
Students who are unsatisfied with the decision of the KPE Appeals Committee may appeal to the highest authority in the University of Toronto - the Academic Appeals Committee of Governing Council. Appeals at this level must be received in writing by Governing Council within 90 days of receiving the decision of the KPE Appeals Committee. More information about appealing to Governing Council is available on the Academic Board website.